August 2024 - Minutes

Croftburn Allotments Association
Committee Meeting Minutes

Date: Tuesday 30 July 2024
Time: 18:30
Facilitator: Maurice Randall (MR)

In Attendance: Iain McMurtie (IMC); India Misick (IM); Gregory Metcalfe (GM); 

Apologies: Emma Laughland (EL); Andrew Thompson (AT)

1. Agree Minutes

  • 02/07/2024 Minutes agreed

2. Matters Arising

  • Our thanks to Joode for her support and commitment to the Committee all these years and we wish her well in her next adventure as she resigns from the committee and gives up her plot at Croftburn Allotments.
  • A neighbour emailed to ask if the hedge on our side could be reduced. IM to contact the council to ask if they can do this.

3. Secretary Update

  • IM to thank Miranda for the upcoming offer of a Pollinator Talk at the next Communal Day
  • Email sent to all members asking for volunteers to help with the Harvest Festival day. Only two responses received. IM suggested canceling the Harvest Festival as it would be a lot of work to organise and we don’t have enough volunteers. MR to action this in due course. 
  • Email received from Plot 37 who was upset some chairs had been removed from her plot. MR has been in contact with XXX and those who took the chairs, and it seems there was a misunderstanding. All has been replaced.
  • Plot XX was in contact regarding an issue with the boundary with XX. IM put Plot XX in touch with Plot XX to allow discussion of the matter between them, and the issue was swiftly resolved. 
  • IM contacted all plotholders who haven’t yet attended any communal days or logged any communal hours and received responses from XX, but no responses yet from XX

4. Plot Updates

  • XX from Plot Q has been in touch to apply for plot 24
  • Plot XX has been contacted as their plot is overgrown. MR to email
  • Plot XX given notice they are leaving – EL in contact
  • Plot XX – overgrown and not attending
  • Plot XX – No work has been started – EL to email as still in probation period.
  • Plot XX – struggling, and have been to cut down some overgrowth on their plot but have health issues which make regular maintenance difficult. Plan to be discussed going forward.
  • No further updates received from EL regarding plot emails prior to meeting.

5. Treasurer Update

  • Access Insurance to be paid at £297.60
  • Outstanding bill to MR – £18.20
  • New strimmer to be ordered
  • Fuel bills paid to Michael
  • Bank of Scotland Balance £1242.99
  • Credit union Share 1 Account – £9
  • Credit Union Share 2 Account – £850

6. Maintenance Update

  • Recent communal days have been successful and general maintenance of the allotment is good.
  • Hedge to be tackled next Communal Day

7. Ongoing Matters

  • GM and EL have given comments. MR to finish drafting polytunnel policy
  • MR meeting GM at next Communal Day to discuss Inspections. Will forward proposed documents to GM to be reviewed and discussed at the next Committee Meeting.

8. Next Meeting

  • TBC via whatsapp at 18.30hrs week beginning 26th August