February 2024 - Minutes

Croftburn Allotments Association
Committee Meeting Minutes APPROVED


Date: Monday 5th February 2024
Time: 18:00
Facilitator: Maurice Randall

In Attendance: India Misick (IMI); Iain McMurtie (IMC), Gregory Metcalfe (GM); Emma Laughland (EL), Maurice Randall (MR); Judith Paton (JR) Andrew Thompson (AT)

Apologies: N/A

1. Welcome Team

MR introduced the new Committee and welcomed members to an exciting year ahead at Croftburn Allotments.

2. Matters Arising

Using WhatsApp, Google Drive and emails were briefly discussed as the recommended way to communicate with the Committee.

Minutes for the AGM and Committee meetings will be complete by IMI and emailed to Committee for approval.

Constitution and Rules will be uploaded to website by MR upon IMI signing the agreed changes from AGM 2023.

3. Roles and Handovers

Handover to new Secretary IMI, Membership Secretary EL, and Treasurer IMC to be scheduled with MR for the coming week. IMC will continue to monitor maintenance issues as he previously did and report changes to the committee.

4. Plot Updates

  • 57 Occupied Plots
  • 13 New Members signed up in January
  • 5 Vacant plots
  • 14 Waiting List Applicants
  • Plot – has not renewed their membership to CAA or who has not responded to either texts or emails. A recorded letter will be sent by MR after discussion with EL. No reply will result in Plot  becoming vacant and offered to the waiting list.
  • Missives will be completed and sent at the earliest opportunity of IMI to GCC

5. Maintenance Update

Fruit Trees: Alister will provide details for the purchase of the fruit trees agreed at AGM 2023. MR and AT to liaise with Alister.

Hub Tab: To still be repaired.

GM offered to assist IMC with maintenance if needed.

6. Finance Update

Balances for accounts:

Share 1 – £10.00

Share 2 – £800.00

Bank of Scotland – £1757.09

Cash – £60.08

MR currently has outstanding expenses owed – £109.00

These include Hall Hire, returned key deposits, AGM items and stationery.

Currently the Bank of Scotland account is in the process of being transferred from MA (Previous Treasurer, started in January) to MR who will begin the process to sign up AT as a signatory for the account. MR currently named on Credit Union Account.

7. Poly Tunnel Update

We will need to work out how this is used. MR suggested we should organise the rearing of seedlings for plugs which we can then sell to allotment holders. These will be particularly useful for new plot holders. Micro Plot holders will be able to utilize part of the poly tunnel to grow their own seeds in 2024 on a trial basis.

8. Ongoing Matters

MR suggested drafting a Health and Safety Document for the allotment. AT offered to help with this as he has experience. MR and AT to discuss.

MR suggested that we might want to hold more events throughout the year and welcomes suggestions for this.

Potato Day: There is a potato day coming up at Kinning Park. MR suggested that we organise one for Croftburn Allotments in the coming weeks.


10. Next Meeting

Thursday 29th Feb 2024, 18.00hrs