July 2024 - Minutes
Croftburn Allotments Association
Committee Meeting Minutes
Date: Tuesday 02 July 2024
Time: 18:30
Facilitator: India Misick (IM)
In Attendance: Iain McMurtie (IMC) ; Andrew Thompson (AT); India Misick (IM); Gregory Metcalfe (GM); Emma Laughland (EL)
Apologies: Maurice Randall (MR); Judith Paton (JP)
1. Matters Arising
2. Secretary Update
- IM opened up the plot for Katie the intern from GCC who was surveying the plot. Whilst there, IM noticed a guy in high vis up the telegraph pole who was from Ofcom. He said that since nobody from Morrison Telecom had arranged access he just jumped the fence because he had deadlines to meet, so we don’t need to worry about contacting Morrison again because it seems like the job is now done.
- We’ve been contacted by a local resident who has asked us to put up a sign on the front fence asking for residents not to dump food which can attract vermin. This could be a good task for the next communal day. IMC to action.
- IM has sent plot release forms for plots 6 and R to GCC.
- IM sent out email to members regarding new GCC rules and also asking for volunteers for upcoming Harvest Festival, but we have not yet had any volunteers.
3. Plot Updates
- Microplot P has moved to microplot R, and plot P is now filled.
- 32 Waiting List Applicants
- Plot has a new named helper
- EL has sent out email to plot holders who seemed like they were struggling and has received encouraging responses from plots
4. Treasurer Update
AT now has card and card reader and this has been tested to see that it all works
- Bank of Scotland Balance £1298.63
- Michael has been paid £20 for fuel which is still to come out of the bank account.
- AT to transfer Emma £10 for key deposit hire
- Upcoming costs required are for a tree surgeon for the lower side of the site, new trimmer, new wild area plants, money for hall hire and PI insurance.
5. Maintenance Update
- Poly tunnel is still a work in progress and more work will be done to this at the next Communal Day.
- Strimmer still requires repairs.
6. Communal Day Planning
- General tasks are required, as well as putting up sign on front fence as requested by local resident. There is currently a list of tasks on the board in the hub, which is ongoing. The members meeting will be a good time to discuss the upcoming harvest festival with members.
7. Polytunnel Policy
- MR, GC, EL and JP have been drafting a Polytunnel policy document to submit to the committee for approval soon.
8. Ongoing Matters
- MR to find time to work with AT on drafting the Health and Safety Document for the allotment.
- Volunteers for plot inspections – this is yet to be organised. MR to set a date for meeting with GM to discuss this further.
9. Harvest Festival
- Agreed on competitions: Best wonky veg, Best flower arrangement, Best scarecrow
- Competition entries to be submitted by 11am and judged by midday
- Home produce stands: cakes, jams and chutneys etc
- Face painting if we can find someone to volunteer.
- IM to send out email to members with more information and asking for volunteers.
10. Next Meeting
- TBC via whatsapp at 18.30hrs week beginning 29th July