March 2024 - Minutes

Croftburn Allotments Association
Committee Meeting Minutes Approved

Date: Thursday 29th February 2024
Time: 18:30
Facilitator: Maurice Randall

In Attendance: Iain McMurtie (IMC), Gregory Metcalfe (GM); Emma Laughland (EL), Maurice Randall (MR); Andrew Thompson (AT)

Apologies: India Misick (IMI); Judith Paton (JR)

1. Committee Minutes and AGM Minutes Approval

Committee to be given a further 7 days to read over AGM Minutes and to respond via WhatsApp. Committee Minutes from 05/02/2024 will be resent and will also be approved via WhatsApp within 7 days. (MR)

2. Matters Arising

Woodchip was gratefully received today from Andrew of Stevenson Tree Care. He also gave us logs for any member who would like them for their wood burners or other uses. Member of Plot 22 has offered the Allotments some shelving for the Polytunnel and also will provide us with 2x 4-wheel trolleys.

3. Secretary Update

IMI not present so MR requested on behalf of the Secretary how regular emails ought to be sent to the Committee. It was agreed the Committee are happy to receive any emails ‘as and when’ they are received by IMI for comment. The Committee also approved ‘Grow with It’, ‘Good Food Plan’, the ‘Pollinator Project’ and a request to the membership from St Bartholomew’s School for assistance would be sent with the update from the Member’s Meeting being held on Saturday 02/03/2024.

Many thanks to IMI for sending the Missives to GCC so quickly after taking over the Secretary role and for checking they were all correct.

4. Plot Updates

  • 63 Occupied Plots
  • 5 New Members signed up in February
  • 2 Soon to be Vacant plots
  • 18 Waiting List Applicants
  • Plot – has not replied to the recorded letter received 17/02/2024. A recorded letter will be sent by MR after discussion with EL and will result in Plot  becoming vacant and offered to the waiting list within 7 days of receipt.
  • Plot – has decided they do not have time to continue and will meet EL on Monday 4th March to sign their Plot Release form.
  • Plot has not been in touch with EL

5. Treasurer Update

Balances for accounts:

Share 1 – £10.00

Share 2 – £870.00

Bank of Scotland – £2057.09

Cash – 0.08p

MR currently has outstanding expenses owed – £146.75

To include a mobile top up of £30.00 and admin charges

EL currently has outstanding expenses for new keys – £30.00

Alister currently purchased the Potatoes for Potato day and has an outstanding balance of £145.50 to be returned on 02/03/2024

AT has access to Google Drive documents, but is awaiting the email account and follow-up signatory once MR has been granted access by BoS – currently in progress since early January.

6. Maintenance Update

Communal Day tasks should include reducing the pile of rubbish collected to smaller bags for easier removal for members. EL has noticed more rubbish has been deposited at the trailer and requested a sign and email notice to all members to stop dumping. Notice will be part of the Member Meeting email.

Check Plot – fence has not fallen over, if so to notify member (IMC)

IMC will assist with dividing the Poly Tunnel up into ⅔ rds and 1/3rd for the use of Micro plot holders and the communal growing of plug plants for sale to members in the future. MR will oversee.

Hub Tap still to be purchased and repaired (MR)

New Spark plug to be purchased to repair strimmer (MR)

7. Communal Day/Potato Day Planning

Committee keen to assist on the day with IMC, GM, AT and EL all assisting with the sale from 10.00 – 14.00.

The Member’s Meeting (1) will be held from 12.30 to 13.00.

MR will organise a float and Alister reimbursement.

Communal Tasks will include a general tidy up, strimmings, rubbish removal, some planting and the Poly Tunnel completion and organisation.

8. Ongoing Matters

MR to find time to work with AT on drafting the Health and Safety Document for the allotment.


EL suggested friendly competition for Best Plot and/or Veg. AT suggested a Harvest Show towards the end of August/September. Will discuss with Members during Member’s Meeting. (MR)

Harvest Show would allow members to elect into the competition and allow friends, family and local homeowners to attend on the day.

GM has accepted to be the liaison for the Inspection team and will work with MR initially and then develop the role through the year, in conjunction with 3 volunteer members looking to complete their Communal hours in either the Communal Day or on their own time.

10. Next Meeting

Thursday 4th April 2024, 18.30hrs