Member's Meeting 4 - September 2024

Date: 06/07/2024
Facilitator: Maurice Randall
Place: Following the Communal Work Day in Hub

  • Thanks to everyone for bringing produce, jams and birdboxes for sale to support the allotment
  • Donations raised for the allotment – £54.80
  • Strimmer has been ordered and will arrive soon
  • A suggestion for a Communal compost bin was made. Those who have seen it before only had issues with some members throwing all waste into the bins including weeds.
  • Polytunnel Policy has been sent to all members. Feedback received to change the wording that the space given to a microplot holder would be their to grow what they like all year. Additionally, beginning in December of each year, members would be required to clear everything from the polytunnel for a clean out and it would again be in use from the middle of January.
  • A fun day was proposed to include flower arranging (Including
    Spring flower crown, button hole and bouquets)
    and card making next year to encourage members to the allotment and to show off their skills.
  • A December meet up at the hub was discussed to make wreaths, cards and generally have a gathering of members. To bring food and drinks. Funny hats optional…
  • Could a pollinator day be arranged again next year as it was useful to members.
  • A request for Emma Plant to update the allotment on her findings from the year at Croftburn Allotments
  • The pond will be cleared out and anyone wanting plants that are left are free to take them as well as any water weed which is good for composting.