Welcome to the Croftburn Allotments Website.
This is the home for Member notices and information concerning our allotment, but we are really pleased you popped on past. Members LOGIN here.
Below some tips on what to start growing for the season and some tips for us here in Scotland.
From us all, have a fantastic growing season ahead.
Photo of the Month
Have a good photo, share it with us… or visit the Gallery to see what we are like.

Tip of the Month
The sun is returning….
We have had the storms, repaired the damage and had our first meet up.It’s getting all exciting now.
Getting a few seeds growing is key here and they’ll need some warth and classical music to get going into the big wide world soon.
Sow Peas and beetroot under cover, and get ready to sow your celery later on in the month. If you are ahead of the game, and have a warm corner somewhere, why not get those tomatoes growing too.
If you haven’t got the garlic in the ground, get them in now and at the end of the month it is time for parsnips to get growing.
Lots to get on with and I am off to warm my seeds up.
See you on the allotment soon.
Growing in Scotland
The list below is general and specific to Glasgow. Timings vary dependent on weather, sun and angle of allotment to the sun.
- Broad Beans (March)
- Peas (under cloches) (March)
- Sweet Pepper (March)
- Celery (March – indoors)
- Brussel Sprouts (March)
- Garlic (March)
- Courgette (April – indoors)
- Lettuce (April every 2 weeks onwards)
- Spring Onions (April every 2 weeks onwards)
- Spinach (April)
- Swiss Chard (Late April)
- Cucumber (April – indoors)
- Broccoli (May – under cover)
- Radish (May)
- Parsnip (May)
- French Beans (May)
- Rhubarb (March)
- Cabbage (May)
- Leeks (June)
- Squash (June – Plant outside)
- Sweetcorn (June – Plant outside)
- Sweet Potato (June)
- Kale (July – Final position)
- Broccoli (July – Final Position)
- Potatoes (July – Autumn harvest)
- Broccoli (early harvest)
- Lettuce (June)
- Radish (June)
- Broad Beans (June)
- Cauliflower (Late June)
- Turnips (June)
- Carrots (June)
- Spinach (July)
- Shallots (July)
- Swiss Chard (July)
- Courgettes (July)
- Peas (July)
- Cucumber (July)
- Sweetcorn (August)
- Garlic (August)
- Onions (August)
- Celery (August)
- Runner Beans (August)
- Spinach (Sept)
- Onion (Sept – Autumn Sets)
- Cabbage (Sept)
- Broad Beans (Oct – for early crop)
- Peach (Nov – Bare root)
- Blackberries (Nov)
- Blackcurrents (Nov)
- Gooseberries (Nov)
- Plum (Nov
- Garlic (Nov)
- Leek (Sept)
- Cabbage (Sept)
- Parsnips (Sept)
- Swede (Onwards)
- Sweet Potato (Oct)
- Cauliflower (Oct – onwards)
- Squash (Oct)
- Spinach (Oct)
- Kale (Nov)
- Leek (Nov)
- Brussel Sprouts (Nov – onwards)
- Apple Trees (Dec)
- Pear Trees (Dec)
- Shallots (Jan – in pots)
- Cauliflower (Feb – indoors)
- Leek (Feb – indoors)
- Onion seeds (Feb – indoors)
- Potato (Mar – Chit)
- Broad Beans (Mar – Pots)
- Celery (Mar – indoors)
- Leek (Mar – indoors)
- Brussel Sprouts (Mar)
- Garlic (Mar)
- Peas (Mar)
- Tomatoes (Mar – inside)
- Broccoli (Feb)
- Rhubarb (Mar – onwards)