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AGM 2023

Our AGM will be held on the 27/01/2024 and details will follow shortly once confirmation has been agreed on our hall booking. The main points to be covered will be A summary of the year Accounts 2021-2022 Accounts 2022-2023 Committee Member Election - Secretary, Membership Secretary, Treasurer, Maintenance Officer and Other Member Proposed Rule and […]

Communal Day (1) & Potato Day

We would like to welcome our Members to the first Communal Day of the year to give the allotment a little tidy up and prepare for the season ahead. If you are able to bring along some tasty treats to have with our coffee after the day, that would be greatly appreciated, and as always, […]

Potato DAY

Our Annual Potato Day will be running from 10.00-14.00 on Saturday during and after the Communal Day we are holding. A selection of First Earlies, Second and Main Crop Potatoes will be on offer as well as Onion, Shallots and Garlic. Why not try a variety of potatoes this year and see what they taste […]

Member’s Meeting (1)

Our catch up Member's Meeting will follow our Communal Day and cover a few of the latest updates on the Allotment, answer a few questions and general suggestions. Looking forward to seeing you there.

First of the Year Inspections (1)

Plot inspections will concentrate on 50% cultivation, boarders, structures, paths, excessive materials and general plot maintenance in accordance with our rules and constitution.

Communal Day (2)

Our second Communal Day. Looking forward to seeing a few of our new members for a good meet up this round. If you are able to bring along some tasty treats to have with our coffee after the day, that would be greatly appreciated, and as always, if you made it with someone from your […]

Communal Day (3)

It a Communal Day and Spring has Sprung. Come along to reclaim our allotment from Nature!!! If you are able to bring along some tasty treats to have with our coffee after the day, that would be greatly appreciated, and as always, if you made it with someone from your allotment, a Curly Wurly is […]

Member’s Meeting (2)

Our catch up Member's Meeting will follow our Communal Day and cover a few of the latest updates on the Allotment, answer a few questions and general suggestions. Looking forward to seeing you there.

Communal Day (4)

We are part way through the year now, and hope to see a few more faces at our Communal Day. If you are able to bring along some tasty treats to have with our coffee after the day, that would be greatly appreciated, and as always, if you made it with someone from your allotment, […]

Inspection Week (2)

Following on from our last inspection, we will be hoping to see plots in full cultivation of 50% or more (Micro are set at 75%). Plot should be maintained and respect shown towards your neighbours with managed borders and communal paths adjacent to your plot.  

Communal Day (5)

Looking forward to a Sunny Day in July to meet some of the Members from Croftburn. If you are able to bring along some tasty treats to have with our coffee after the day, that would be greatly appreciated, and as always, if you made it with someone from your allotment, a Curly Wurly is […]

Member’s Meeting (3)

Our catch up Member's Meeting will follow our Communal Day and cover a few of the latest updates on the Allotment, answer a few questions and general suggestions. Looking forward to seeing you there.