Useful Links & Recommended Reading
We welcome suggestions to add to our growing list to maximise our plots and create the best community we can. Drop us your comments on the Contact page.

Glasgow Allotments – Website of Glasgow Council for Allotment Information
Allotments and Biodiversity – A Booklet compiled by Glasgow Allotments Forum and Scottish Allotments and Garden Society (Found on the Glasgow Council website)
Garden Focused – A great site to work out your calendar, planting schedule and adjusted to your area. Great to see what to do next.
Glasgow Allotments Forum – An independent voluntary organisation set up to support plotholders in Glasgow
Scottish Allotments and Garden Society – Scottish Allotments and Gardens Society is the national representative, support and advocacy body for allotments, allotmenteers and community growing in Scotland.
Trellis Scotland – Therapeutic gardening, the art of using gardening to help people take care of their physical, emotional and social wellbeing.
The National Allotment Society – The National Allotment Society (NAS) is the leading national organisation upholding the interests and rights of the allotment community across the UK.
Royal Caledonian Horticultural Society – The Royal Caledonian Horticultural Society (The Caley) is Scotland’s national horticultural and gardening society.
City Farmer – City Farmer has encouraged urban dwellers to pull up a patch of lawn and plant some vegetables, kitchen herbs and fruit.
Allotment Garden – John Harrison and his Allotment website with plenty of tips, recipes and articles
Recommended Reading

(Kindly provided by Alister)
Fruit and Vegetables for Scotland, Kenneth Cox and Caroline Beaton.
THE essential book for growing in Scotland with a monthly activity (growing) chart for Scotland
101 Ideas for Veg from Small Spaces, BBC Books
The Complete Gardener, Monty Don
The Ivington Diaries, Monty Don
Fork to Fork, Monty and Sarah Don
The Allotment Diaries, A Year of Potting, Plotting and Feasting, Kay Sexton
Minding my Peas and Cucumbers, Quirky Tales of Allotment Life, Kay Sexton
The Allotment Source Book, Caroline Foley
How To Plant Your Allotment, Caroline Foley
Practical Allotment Gardening, Caroline Foley
Allotment Handbook, Simon Akeroyd
The RHS Allotment Handbook and Planner, Simon Akeroyd et. al
The Allotment Book, A M Clevely
Allotment Gardening, Alan Titchmarsh
The Classic Allotment, Gordon Thorburn
Allotment Through The Year, Alan Buckingham
The Half Hour Allotment, Lia Leendertz
Our Plot, Cleve West
Joe’s Allotment, Planning and Planting a Productive Plot, Joe Swift
The Allotment Almanac, Month by Month on the Plot, Terry Walton
Allotment Gardening, An Organic Guide for Beginners, Susan Berger