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Communal Work Day

Our next communal work day will be taking place this Saturday 4th September at 10am till approx 12 noon.  It would be great to see and catch up with you during […]

Committee Meeting

The next Committee Meeting will be held on Thursday the 9th September.

Communal Work Day

Our next communal work day will be taking place this Saturday 2nd October at 10am till approx 12 noon. We have a Guest Speaker this week who will be available for […]

Green Fingers Halloween Friends and Family Day

Dear Members, I hope this email finds you well as we begin to head into the cooler evenings and festivities. The Committee has been working on an Open Day since […]

Communal Day

Our last Communal Day for 2021 is today. It would be great to see you down on the allotment as we start putting everything to bed and for a catch-up […]

FebFest – GAF

GAF have organised a number of super talks to help us to grow this year on our allotments. This is what they say, "Each evening, a presentation will run from […]

1st Communal Day

Our first Communal Day of the year, and what do you know also Potato Day. Come along for a chat, meet some of the fine folks at the allotment and […]

Potato Day (Sat)

Come along to our Potato Day. Get the chance to stock up on your potatoes for the season, some shallots and garlic that we will have on sale. It is […]

Potato Day (Sun)

Come along to day two of our Potato Day. Get the chance to stock up on your potatoes for the season, some shallots and garlic that we will have on […]

2nd Communal Day & Seed Swap

Our Second Communal Day awaits your attendance. We would love to hear how your potatoes are getting on and what plans you have all while meeting other folks from the […]

3rd Communal Day

Our Third Communal Day is here, and we are now marching steadily to the tropical weather and the bountiful growing season. Come along to hear what others have been planting […]