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Member’s Meeting (1)

Our catch up Member's Meeting will follow our Communal Day and cover a few of the latest updates on the Allotment, answer a few questions and general suggestions. Looking forward […]

First of the Year Inspections (1)

Plot inspections will concentrate on 50% cultivation, boarders, structures, paths, excessive materials and general plot maintenance in accordance with our rules and constitution.

Communal Day (2)

Our second Communal Day. Looking forward to seeing a few of our new members for a good meet up this round. If you are able to bring along some tasty […]

Communal Day (3)

It a Communal Day and Spring has Sprung. Come along to reclaim our allotment from Nature!!! If you are able to bring along some tasty treats to have with our […]

Member’s Meeting (2)

Our catch up Member's Meeting will follow our Communal Day and cover a few of the latest updates on the Allotment, answer a few questions and general suggestions. Looking forward […]

Communal Day (4)

We are part way through the year now, and hope to see a few more faces at our Communal Day. If you are able to bring along some tasty treats […]

Inspection Week (2)

Following on from our last inspection, we will be hoping to see plots in full cultivation of 50% or more (Micro are set at 75%). Plot should be maintained and […]

Communal Day (5)

Looking forward to a Sunny Day in July to meet some of the Members from Croftburn. If you are able to bring along some tasty treats to have with our […]

Member’s Meeting (3)

Our catch up Member's Meeting will follow our Communal Day and cover a few of the latest updates on the Allotment, answer a few questions and general suggestions. Looking forward […]

Communal Day (6)

Pop along to see how we are managing at our Communal Day and give the place a little freshen up. We also have a special guest today to talk to […]

Inspection Week (3)

The growing season is in full swing and plots should be looking healthy and managed. A quick inspection to check plots are respectful of neighbours and growing vegetables, herbs, fruit […]

National Allotments Week

National Allotments Week - This years focus is dedicated "to our celebrations to the vital role that allotments play in promoting biodiversity. Affirming allotments as crucial green spaces that […]